Le club des chômeurs
- Fama Film (CH)
Thierry van Werveke
Myriam Muller
André Jung
Marco Lorenzini
Fernand Fox
Luc Feit
Music: Serge Tonnar
Costumes: Ulli Kremer
Photography: Jacques Raybaut
Decoration: Axel Werner
Production Manager: Brigitte Kerger
Edit: Mirjam Krackenberger
The story is set in the industrial south of The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The decline of the steel industry has left a wake of unemployment, but the state is determined to re-train all the scrapped steelworkers. There is, however, a pocket of resistance!
The Unemployment Club.
To be a member of this exclusive band, you must be unemployed swear not to look for employment commit to remain unemployed at all costs stay off the books forever and work harder at remaining out of work than ever you did when you were in work.
A bittersweet comedy about a band of marginal cozily ensconced in the Welfare State. Love. Hatred. Treachery. Humor. The Unemployment Club may be a small picture but it deals in big emotions. And asks provocative questions.