The Dark Side of the Moon
- Port-au-Prince Film & Kultur Produktion Gmbh (DE)
- German
Picture Tree International
T +49 30 4208 248-0
Moritz Bleibtreu, Nora von Waldstätten, Jürgen Prochnow, Luc Feit, Nickel Bösenberg, Marco Lorenzini, Germain Wagner
DOP: Felix Cramer
Productrion Manager: Bénédicte Hermesse
Costume design: Magdalena Labuz
Make Up: Katja Reinert
Production design: Gabriele Wolff
Sound: Max Meindl
Corporate lawyer, Urs Blank, is the undisputed star of his profession. He has money and the perfect wife. But the suicide of a business colleague throws him off track and leads to an attraction with Lucille and her alternative lifestyle. Seduced into experimenting with hallucinogenic mushrooms, his dark side merges , as with merciless power, long suppressed aggressions burst out and go wild. The once civilized lawyer turns into an instinct-driven individual and erratic murderer. Deeply unsettled by the change he flees to the woods in search of an antidote but the police and his vindictive business partner are already on his tracks.