A world divided 1939-1956 (Die Spaltung der Welt 1939-1956)
- LOOKSfilm (DE)
- Iris Films (BE)
- Momakin (PL)
- French
- German
- English
Looks International GmbH
Bettina Offermann
T +49 341 23 429 250
offermann@looks .film
Max Wagner, Lara Mandoki, Denys Rodnianskyi, Delia Mayer, Meriel Hinsching, Moussa Sylla
The series «A World Divided 1939-1956» narrates and documents the journey of Europe, the Soviet Union, the USA, and China through the Second World War, the beginning dissolution of Western colonial empires, and the division of the world into two camps between 1939 and 1956 . This six-part documentary drama series for the first time interweaves the wartime and post-war periods into a new transactional narrative . At the heart of the story are the life paths of six women and men from different nations . The polarizing hopes, fears, perspectives, and decisions of these six individuals exemplify the narrated time, its great challenges, and its relevance for us today .