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And Then You
Retour au catalogue Romance 2018 | Fiction - Short film

And Then You

Kim Schneider
Année de sortie au Luxembourg 2018
Année de sortie au Luxembourg 2018
Réalisateur Kim Schneider
Producteur Luxembourgeois AMOUR FOU LUXEMBOURG
Script Kmi Schneider
Version originale
  • Luxembourgish
Durée 16 minutes
Cast and crew

    Jill Devresse, Dario Cavallaro, Felix Adams


    Serge Benassuti (cinematographer), Yves Bemelmans (sound), Christina Schaffer (set), Charel Stoltz (music)


And Then You tells the love story between Sasha and Finn. Their love emerges in a universe in which the characters wear their feelings “on their sleeve": Sasha can create flowers just by touching something natural and the love between her and Finn leaves a burning heart, in the middle of town. Utterly mesmerized by Finn’s flames, Sasha recognises too late that the fire not only endangers their love to each other, but also her very own identity.

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