- Alexander Nanau Productions (RO)
- HBO Europe
- Romanian
- Aide Financière Sélective (AFS)
Philippa Kowarsky
Narcis Hogea, Catalin Tolontan, Mirela Neag, Camelia Roiu, Razvan Lusac, Tedy Ursulean, Vlad Voiculescu
Artistic collaborator : Mihai Grecea
Photography : Alexander Nanau
Sound : Mihai Grecea, Angelo Dos Santos (LU), Michel Schillings (LU), Marius Leftarache
Editing : Alexander Nanau, Georges Cragg, Dana Bunescu
Music : Kyan Bayani (LU)
Colorgrading : Raoul Nadalet (LU)
Assistant editors : Liam Mc Evoy (LU)
VFX Supervisor : Claude Kongs (LU)
Research Assistant : Livia Langers (LU)
Stills Photographer : Sven Becker (LU)
In the aftermath of a tragic fire in a Romanian music club, more burn victims begin dying in hospitals from wounds that were not life threatening. A team of investigative journalists move into action to uncover massive corruption in the health system and other state institutions. Following journalists, whistle-blowers, and government officials, Collective is an immersive and uncompromising look into the price of corruption and the price of truth.