Grenadine & Peppermint (Grenadine & Mentalo)
- Patoon animation (FR)
- TF1 (FR)
- Cyber Group Sutios (FR)
- French
Brian Bowles
Harriet Carmichael
Jane Collingwood
Eric Meyers
Ian Porter
Fabrice Ziolkoswski
Director Assistant : Federico Milella
Studio Manager : Laurent Paqueteau
System Network Manager : Yann Collobert
Design Manager : Nathanaël Godart
Layout supervisor : Daniel Fleront
Animation Supervisor : Sean McCormack
Composting Manager : Aline Salvi
Sfx Manager : Nathalie Tamisier
Rendering Manager : Marco Forni
Voice Director : Fabrice Ziolkowski
Grenadine loves to discover things and is always inventing a thousand wild adventures. Adventures with a capital A. Dangerous missions, strange investigations, commando operations that she gets into with her friend Peppermint, a usually placid penguin whom she thinks has the right stuff to make a super hero. Peppermint accepts to play the super hero role so he can keep Grenadine’s esteem. This unusual duo, which feeds on the secret needs of the other, is at the center of all the adventures of the series.