La symétrie du papillon
- Luxemburgish
Marie Jung, Fred Frenay, Luc Schiltz, Marc Olinger, Steve Karier, Marie-Paule Von Roesgen
DOP: Carlo Thiel Production Manager: Solveig Harper Location Manager: Jonathan Christoph 1st AC: Theo Theodorides Stills Photographer: Patrick Muller Making-of: Maxime Jacques Costumes: Caroline Koener Key Make-Up Artist: Fabienne Adam Key Hair Artist: Céline Van Heddegem Key Grip: Pascal Charlier Post-production supervisor: Raoul Nadalet Editor: Misch Bervard Music: Jeannot Sanavia.
Roger, a Luxemburgish writer, takes the people surrounding him on a journey into a fictional world. Playing with reality and fantasy, he transforms his novel ‘The Symmetry of the Butterfly’ into a dream-like and poetical fantasy, where colorful butterflies alight on a rather monotonous everyday life…