- CAB Productions (CH)
Thomas Lemarquis, Joel Basman, Dominique Yann, André Jung, Claude de Demo, Thierry van Werveke
DOP: Séverine Barde
Sound: Philippe Kohn
Set decoration: Christina Schaffer
Costume design: Uli Simon
Make up: Katja Reinert
Editor: Loredana Cristelli
Looking for easy money, three young dropouts auction themselves on the Internet: one sells his future, one sells his past and the third one his soul…
In Hamlin, an imaginary German city, three young outcasts squat an abandoned
greenhouse. To avoid the hazards of poverty, they have taken on survival jobs:
Moritz lends his body to the pharmaceutical industry, Liocha sells his sperm and
Filou walks the dogs of the rich. One day, when Filou takes the dog Google back
to the Internet Café, he has an idea: since everything can be sold on Internet
auction sites, including clouds, why not sell oneself? The three likeable schemers
offer to the highest bidder that which they deem no longer necessary: the Russian
boy Liocha sells his childhood memories, eternally provocative Moritz sells his
remaining years and Filou, the dreamer of the trio, sells his soul. What was meant
as a game turns sour when Lila, the pretty employee of Money Logistics, brings
them money at the greenhouse. All three of them make the bitter experience that it
is better never to get rid of the small things in life. While the bids are soaring,
between virtual wealth and genuine poverty, Filou is caught in his own trap and
cuts himself off more and more from everybody and everything, feeling
increasingly estranged with the world and himself.