Nina and the hedgehog’s secret (Nina et le secret du hérisson)
- Parmi Les Lucioles Films (FR)
- Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Cinéma (FR)
- KMBO productions (FR)
- French
- Aide Financière Sélective (AFS)
Les Films du Losange
Alice Lesort
T +33 1 44 43 87 10
French voices : Audrey Tautou, Guillaume Canet, Guillaume Bats, Patrick Ridremont, Loan Longchamp, Keanu Peyran
Background Color Supervisor : François Spreutels
Animation Supervisor : David Degrande
Ink & Paint Supervisor : Géraldine Rabin
Production Manager : Anna Leterq
Production Administrator : Anaïs Dô-Van
Technical Director : Jérôme Brack
The world of Nina, a ten-year-old girl, is turned upside down when her father loses his job at a factory after his supervisor embezzled money. Together with her friend Mehdi, the little girl sets off on a life-saving quest that may well lead to the discovery of a treasure hidden in the disused factory. A modern tale with initiatory overtones, divided between the world of childhood and the world of adults.