- German
- English
- Portuguese
- Luxembourgish
D.O.P. Anne Schiltz
Sound recording: Benoît Majerus
Editing: Pia dumont
Sound Design: Jean-François Levillain
Production managers: Jean-Luc Zehnter, Paul Schumacher
Producer: Anne Schroeder
Une unité de l’hôpital neuro-psychiatrique du Luxembourg, son équipe de soignants, son médecin, ses patients.
Le quotidien se partage entre gérer la maladie et vivre ensemble dans un lieu que beaucoup veulent quitter au plus vite tout en y ayant trouvé refuge de plein gré.
a unit in Luxembourg’s neuropsychiatric hospital, its nursing staff, doctors and patients. A place where daily life is divided between trying to manage illness and learning to live with other people, a place that many have turned to for refuge yet can’t wait to leave.
We meet unique and desperate people, resourceful and powerless, talkative and silent, carers and cared-for, and are granted an insight into the unit’s clinical approach.
Mental illness has changed, along with its treatment and perception.