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Sans queue ni tête
Retour au catalogue Comedy 2010 | Fiction

Sans queue ni tête

Jeanne Labrune
Année de sortie au Luxembourg 2010
Année de sortie au Luxembourg 2010
Réalisateur Jeanne Labrune
Producteur Luxembourgeois SAMSA FILM
En coproduction avec
  • Liaison Cinématographique (FR)
  • Artémis Productions (BE)
  • Art Light (FR)
Version originale
  • French
Durée 90 minutes
Ventes internationales

Films Boutique

Cast and crew

    Isabelle Huppert
    Bouli Lanners
    Richard Debuisne
    Sabila Moussadek
    Valérie Dréville
    Mathieu Carrière


    Editor: Anja Lüdcke
    Screenwriter: Jeanne Labrune, Richard Debuisne
    DOP: Virginie Saint-Martin
    Music: Andre Mergenthaler



Drawing some intriguing parallels between the work of the prostitute and that of the psychiatrist—both have clients, both charge for sessions, both take on roles that serve the needs, psychological or otherwise, of those they serve, Jeanne Labrune’s drama stars Isabelle Huppert and Bouli Lanners as, respectively, Alice, a disaffected call girl and Xavier, a shrink with a crumbling domestic situation. With sex more talked about than shown, the film is filled with pointed dialogue and double entendres.

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