Sperm Whales, Encounters With The Giants of The Sea (Cachalots)
- Calach Films (LU)
- Ciné Films Europe (FR)
- French
- English
- Aide Financière Sélective (AFS)
ZED (Zoo Ethnological Documentaries)
Manuel Catteau
T +33 1 53 09 96 96
Narrator: Tara Klassen
– Music : Ivan Boumans
– Camera : Jacques Raybaut
– Sound : Carlo Thoss, Capucine Courau, Loïc Collignon
– Grip : Jean-François Roqueplo
– Color Grading : Raoul Nadalet
They are the biggest predators on the planet (up to 20 meters long and over 50 tons)! They are the conquerors of the depths where pressure is 60 times greater than on the surface. For a long time, we could not dive with them. They were hunted
until the 70s (35.000 sperm whales per year)! Today, in a few places in the world, we managed to regain their confidence. We’ll follow François Sarano, a former colleague of Cousteau, and Pierre Gallego from the Luxembourgish association “Odyssea”.