Rob Stanley, Florence Z. Blattmann, Richard Heap, David Bailie, Alex Arno, Myriam Müller, Stefan Weinert
DOP:Jako Raybaut
Sound: Carlo Thoss
Music: Lingo
Editor: Amine Jaber
Costume design: Ulli Kremer
Make up: Katja Reinert
STARFLY is the story of a return to Earth. This return is made by Bobby Baxter, an astronaut who has been travelling through space for ages and gets forced to land on Earth again without having been prepared to it. Single, without friends or family, except for his alcoholic father, Bobby has to face the hard realities of life. But soon he will meet a mysterious Super Fly and get involved into quite extraordinary adventures without understanding their true meaning… And what if reality wasn’t what we think ? Because STAFLY is also and mostly the story of a return to Life.