Sur le fil du temps
- Bombyx Collectif d'Artistes asbl
- French
- Italian
- Aide Carte blanche
Arnaldo Ferragni, Maria Santoro, Achille Villa, Tilla Vinci, Jean-Philippe Mini, Maria Claudia Ferragni, Lydie Polfer, Loannis Stefanopoulos, Florian Hertweck
Carlo Thiel (DOP), Pedro Jorge/Alex Mellet (Sound), Christophe Hubert (Editing), Michel Zeches (Music)
Threatened by the demolition of the building at 49, bd Royal where he has lived since it was built in 1962, Arnaldo Ferragni (90) recomposes the history of the district undergoing a final metamorphosis : the construction of the modernist Royal Hamilius site, with the arrival of a new tram on the boulevard. His meeting with the foreman Achille Villa will upset his apprehension of modernity. Discovering behind the scenes of the construction site and the colossal work of the workers: the builders of modern times, as he calls them, Arnaldo feels invested with a mission in the twilight of his life: to be the bridge between the old and the modern. Through interviews with residents, the mayor of the city, an architect friend, Arnaldo becomes aware of the flight of time and the slow disappearance of his memories: what drives men to project themselves into the future by destroying traces of the past ? he said to himself as he investigated.