The Summit of the Gods
- Julianne Films (FR)
- Folivari (FR)
- French
- Aide Financière Sélective (AFS)
Wild Bunch
Eva Diederix
T +33 6 10 45 29 37
Voices : Lazare Herson Macarel, Eric Herson Macarel, Damien Boisseau, Elisabeth Ventura
Layout : Denis Lambert
Decor : Pascal Gérard
Animation : Gilles Rudziak
Ink and paint : Anaëlle Brême
Studio Manager : David Feraille
Production Manager : Fabien Renelli
Kathmandu. Japanese photoreporter Fukamachi accidentally comes across a camera that may well have belonged to Mallory, a famous mountaineer who disappeared in 1924. But a stranger comes along and takes the camera before Fukamachi gets a chance to see if the film is still inside. When he gets back to Tokyo, the reporter finds out who the man was: Habu, a mysterious mountaineer who fell off the radar in 1985 after deserting an expedition to Everest with wounded pride.