Under The Skin (Na Pele)
- Coqueirao Pictures (BR)
- Portuguese
Scénario : João Inada, Thamyra Thâmara, Raull Santiago, Alessandra Nubia, Jon Thomaz.
Réalisation : João Inada
Image : Flavio Mayerhofer
Montage : Renato Vallone, Robert Ellis, Gerson Ribeiro
Musique : Nano Ribeiro, Rodrigo Campello, Baco Exu do Blues
UNDER THE SKIN is a virtual reality experience that brings the user to Complexo do Alemão, one of Rio’s most infamous slums, to meet three of its residents. Amidst a police operation, the user is invited to take refuge in a nearby house where he can interact with the environment and characters. In this immersive experience, based on real people and events, with each interaction the audience will be plunged into the lives of the characters, submerging in their trajectories and daily struggles through dive-in stereoscopic 360 documentary videos, understanding their virtues, values, and sense of community.