Anica Dobra, Dušan Aškoviæ,
Damien Smith, Sri Gordon, Daniel
Plier, Sascha Migge, Liza
Machover, Samir „RPZ“ Menouar,
Magda Gomes, Erom Cordeiro,
Kyoichi Komoto, Makiko Kawai,
Sten Arsenijevic, Gordana Angelovska, Marguerite
Ansein, Dan Burkhart MS Aparaecida,
Abdel Kader Azouz, Erom Cordeiro
Daniel Plier
DOP: Enzo Brandner
Sound: Carlo Thoss
Editor: Thomas Wolschiltz, Frédéric Fichefet
Original Score: Naked Lunch
Costume Design: Jelena Zdravkovic
UNIVERSALOVE is a global love
In Marseille, Julie’s heart beats
wildly when thinking of Rashid. In
Tokyo, Satoshi dreams about his
adored one who works in a soup
restaurant but who doesn’t even
know who he is. In Rio de Janeiro,
Maria falls for a Telenovela star. In
Belgrade, a couple fight for their
very existence. In Brooklyn, the
thoughts of a black taxi driver lead
him into the emotional abyss of
jealous love. In Luxembourg, a
well-settled gentleman finally
comes around to showing his true
feelings for a young man…
Love happens. Love takes place.
Strange love. True love. Crazy
love. Desperate Love. Everywhere.
Every moment.