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Fast Film

Réalisateur(s) : Virgil Widrich
Amour Fou Vienna (AT), Widrich Film (AT)
Année : 2003
Type : ANIMATION - Short film
Genre : Thriller
Version originale : No language
Durée : 14'

Fast Film is an animated homage to motion pictures, hand-made by folding 65.000 print outs of film frames into three dimensional objects.

A woman is abducted and a man comes to her rescue, but during their escape they find themselves in the enemy’s secret headquarters. This classic plot conceals an hommage to action movies. In 14 minutes, Fast Film (a play on words, English fast and German fast, meaning “almost”) provides a tour de force through film history, from its silent beginnings to present-day Hollywood. The filmmakers printed out some 65,000 individual images from 300 films, folded them into paper objects, arranged them in complex tableaux, and then brought them to life with an animation camera in a two-year production process.


No cast

Équipe de tournage

Camera: Martin Putz

Sound Design: Frédéric Fichefet
2K Supervision: Misch Dimmer
2K-Filmtransfer: PTD Studio, Luxembourg

Sound Studio: Waltzing-Parke Audio, Luxembourg

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Fast Film

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