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Into the Wonderwoods (Dans la fôret sombre et mystérieuse)

Réalisateur(s) : Vincent Paronnaud & Alexis Ducord
Jesuisbiencontent (FR), Gaoshan Pictures (FR)
Scénario : Vincent Paronnaud
Année : 2024
Genre : Comedy, Adventure, Educational
Version originale : French
Durée : 80'

Angelo dreams of becoming an explorer and a zoologist . When he hits the road with his family to visit his beloved, ailing granny, his distracted parents leave him behind at a rest stop . Left to his own devices, Angelo decides to cut through the forest in search of his family . He enters a dark and mysterious world inhabited by strange creatures

Contacts vendeurs internationaux

Urban Distribution
Frédéric Corvez
T +33 6 30 80 31 49
frederic@urbangroup .biz

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